
Introduction and Brillante Polonaise Op 3 - Frederic Chopin

”Miguel Alemán” Library, Mexico City, Aug 2015

Marcela Lagunas, Cello. Luis Gerardo Molina, Piano


Over the Waves by Juventino Rosas, Arranged by Jose Rolon.

Piano concert for the Mexican TV channel 22 at the National Arts Center.

Luis Gerardo Molina, piano. Aug 2013.


Kolnidrei - Max Bruch

”Miguel Alemán” Library, Mexico City, Aug 2015

Marcela Lagunas, Cello. Luis G Molina, Piano


”Carmen” Fantasy - George Bizet- Vladimir Horowitz

National Arts Center of Mexico City, Aug 2013. 

Luis Gerardo Molina, Piano


“The Swan” from Carnival of the Animals - C. Saint-Saens

”Miguel Alemán” Library, Mexico City, Aug 2015

Marcela Lagunas, Cello. Luis G Molina, Piano


”Cervantino” International Arts Festival concert at the ”Asuncion” Church in Guanajuato, Mexico.

Symphonic Orchestra of Puebla. Mtro Fernando Lozano, conductor; Luis G Molina, piano.

Concerto No 2 in C minor Op 19, - Sergei Rachmaninov




“Rigoletto“ Fantasia - Franz Liszt

Cervantino” International Arts Festival concert at the ”Asuncion” Church in Guanajuato, Mexico.

Luis Gerardo Molina - Piano


síntomas Covid-19 y la gripe